

Courtney sharing her mental health carer support story with HelpingMinds

Courtney sharing her story with HelpingMinds

Courtney’s Story

Courtney’s story tells how mental challenges affected her and her family

I was concerned about my mental health because I’ve got children to raise & I want them to be happy and healthy. I hated myself, hated the world.  And I labored for my kids but I have no love. My whole life has been a rollercoaster, never does it sail smoothly its always up & down, up & down. Nobody cared and they just wanted me to lock myself away from everybody and so they didn’t have to see my sadness or my bad bits. Society only wants to see the good bits

For me just to get through a day, I am going to say yay!  It’s surviving, that’s all it is. It’s not living, it’s not enjoying, it’s just surviving. I hid away, I locked myself away for 2 years, crying & sleeping and nobody rescued me.

Courtney's Story

So I got up and rescued myself. I love walking. Walking is my thinking time and my quiet time. Just sitting out here in the fresh air and breathing. When my kids were young I always went to things like playgroups, but I knew it was important for my kids to interact with other people.

Locking ourselves in the home was not healthy for the kids you know, so I just forced myself & pushed myself.

HelpingMinds® has really, really helped me heaps.  HelpingMinds® would have to be the best thing. The place for me to go and talk freely, speak freely and not be judged.