South Hedland
South Hedland have had a busy few months. Firstly HelpingMinds® would like to welcome Kesi-Maree on board, Kesi has hit the ground running and has already been involved in a number of community programs and is working on many more. Here are some of the highlights from the last few months.
Harmony Day
HelpingMinds® connected to Strelley Community School with Child Australia to celebrate Harmony Day. They shared food from around the world, shared information about our cultures with the students and ran a playgroup for the families of Strelley Community.
School Holidays
During the April school holidays HelpingMinds® South Hedland facilitated two art and craft sessions at the JD Hardie Centre. Over the two sessions we had a total of 68 children and 41 Adults engage in the programs. The children created a range of crafts including, Easter mould painting, collage, playdough creation, painting and colouring.
Every Monday we facilitate a Support Group at Silverchain South Hedland. We do a range of activities including, sewing, art and craft, bingo and outings within the community.
Keeping Women safe workshop
HelpingMinds® partnered with Pilbara Community Legal Service Inc. to facilitate their first monthly Keeping Women Safe workshop. These workshops aim to create awareness within the community of Family and Domestic Violence and the effects it has on the families, survivor’s and children’s mental health. This month the participants created masks that told their life stories and shared their stories with the group. Find out more here.
Local Artist
The team were lucky to have some personalised artwork presented to them by local artist Annabella Flatt and her lovely children. The artwork tells the story of a family surrounding a troubled family member with connections to agencies (HelpingMinds), home and family links. The dotted lines show us the journey the person is on and how the support is helping them see the world in a different way. The dotted circles show a brighter future. The overall picture shows the journey together, it’s scary but with help makes it less frightening.