
Am I a Mental Health Carer?

What is a Mental Health Carer?

Am I a Mental Health Carer?

Does someone close to you live with mental health challenges?

Do you support someone living with mental health challenges, either emotionally, practically or financially?

Do you spend time worrying about someone with mental health challenges?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are a mental health carer.

If you are someone primarily taking care of a family, friend or acquaintance living with mental health challenges, there’s a good chance that you are a Mental Health Carer. 

Mental Health Carers are:

  • The people collecting their family members or friend from the mental health unit…
  • The people taking their loved ones to their weekly appointment with the psychologist or psychiatrist…
  • The people who make sure their loved one has taken their medication…
  • The parents, guardians, partners, siblings, children, neighbours and friends who have someone close to them living with mental health challenges.

What difference does having  

Carer Support

make to you

You don’t have to live with the person or be their main support to be a mental health carer. People of all ages can be carers, including children.

The majority of carers are not paid – Australia has over 240,00 unpaid mental health carers.

We understand how hard it can be when someone close to you struggles with mental health challenges.

  • The energy it requires to make sure that they take their medications and show up for their appointments.
  • The constant worrying about their safety or the change in their mood or behaviour.
  • The effort it takes to organise not only your own life, but theirs as well.

and you do it all – day-in-day-out because you love them and you feel you have no other choice but to care for them and do what needs to be done.

HelpingMinds acknowledges these feelings and is here to help support the supporters.

We offer free and confidential services to people who have a loved one living with mental health challenges.

We can help you and your family, contact us today

To find out how HelpingMinds® can help you,
contact us today at (08) 9427 7100 or