

List of services

HelpingMinds® provides a variety of mental health carer support services, including:

We work by appointment only. Please call us to schedule an appointment.
If you are in crisis and need to talk to someone right now, please call one of the 24/7 helplines.

Our Mental Health Carer Support Services

Counselling for Carers

When someone close to you changes because of mental ill-health you may feel a mix of emotions, including anger, loss and sadness.

To get help for carers of mental health service providers, we offer free and confidential counselling to people in WA who are supporting a family member or a friend living with mental health challenges, including:

  • Individual counselling appointments for adults and young people aged 8 -17
  • In-school counselling for students aged 7-17
  • Phone counselling for people in regional and remote WA on 1800 811 747

We also offer counselling for children aged 7-17 years who have emotional or social difficulties or are at risk of developing a mental health challenge, living in the City of Swan, Geraldton, Carnarvon and Broome.


Contact us to find out more.

Workshops, Events and Support Groups

Our regular workshops, events and support groups provide a safe environment for carers to come together and offer each other support, share experiences, coping skills, information and build a sense of empowerment and take away some of those feelings of distress, exhaustion and isolation.

Our workshops, events and support groups are held all over WA for both the family and friends of people living with mental ill-health and for young people at risk of developing a mental health issue. Check out our workshops or school holiday program near you.

Advocacy for your rights

The mental health system in WA is complex and we can help you navigate it, protect your rights and express your own wishes. This is known as advocacy.

Our advocacy team can assist you with understanding your rights, complaints, referrals, information and resources and having your voice heard when decisions are being made about the person you care for. If you have someone close to you living with mental health challenges, live in WA and need assistance, contact our Advocacy Team today. 

Support from peers

When someone close to you is unwell, talking with someone who has experienced a similar situation can be comforting. Our Peer Support Workers can help guide you through difficult times because they have been there before and know what it is like. Contact us today to get in touch with a Peer Support Worker.  

NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)

If the family member or friend you support is living with mental ill-health, that is severe and longstanding and has a significant impact on their daily life, they may be eligible for assistance through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

If you live in the Perth Metro Area, we may be able to assist your loved one with specialised psychosocial (mental health) support through their NDIS plan. Find out more about the NDIS and how we can help.

Supporting children and young people at risk

The majority of mental health challenges will emerge before the age of 25. The earlier that young people at risk receive support, the more likely they are to cope with challenging situations and emotions.

Our early intervention services include counselling (ages 7-17), practical support and workshops and are available for young people under the age of 18 in the City of Swan, Midwest, Gascoyne, Pilbara and Kimberley, who have emotional difficulties or are at risk of developing a mental health challenge. Find out more here. 

Education and Training in Schools and the Community

HelpingMinds® offers free and informative mental health programs to help educate students, teachers, parents and the community.

Our fun and interactive workshops aim to raise awareness about mental health and reduce stigma about mental ill-health. Find out more here. 

Get Mental Health Carer Support from HelpingMinds®

Would you like to know more about free and confidential mental health carer services and how we can support you? Please feel free to contact HelpingMinds® via the form below or on (08) 9427 7100 for more information about support for mental health carers. For one of our team to get back to you, we will require your email address and/or phone number. Please know all information provided will be treated as completely confidential and in line with our privacy policy.