About The WA Recovery College Alliance (WARCA) Program
The WA Recovery College Alliance works with students to co-produce and deliver educational courses and workshops that are meaningful, relevant and that will support them on their journey.
The aim of WARCA is to provide a safe space for personal recovery and assists students to build their self-confidence, allowing them to take charge of their own mental health and wellbeing.
Across the world, Recovery Colleges have demonstrated to be incredibly successful in helping people overcome the barriers they may face due to mental ill-health and/or substance use, aiding them live a full, meaningful life.
WARCA combines the expertise of lived and professional experience to encourage and empower anyone who is ready for positive change.
To find out more visit the WARCA website.
Contact WARCA
Website warecoverycollege.org.au
Phone 1300 285 751
Email info@warecoverycollege.org.au
Address By appointment only 182 Lord St, Perth WA 6000
History of WA Recovery College Alliance
On Monday 2 December 2019, the Deputy Premier, Minister for Health and Mental Health, the Hon. Roger Cook, announced that HelpingMinds® has been awarded the contract to open Western Australia’s first funded Recovery College.
It will be a state-wide college, aiming to give everyone in WA the opportunity to use and benefit from the service. Recovery Colleges are a community resource, made by the community through co-design, for the community.
The Mental Health Commission has appointed HelpingMinds® to lead the project, partnered with a group of organisations to roll out the Recovery College across Western Australia, meaning it will be accessible to people in regional areas.
The Recovery College will put people first, and their recovery at the centre of their learning. The Recovery College will be open to the whole community to come together to learn and share knowledge about mental health or addiction to alcohol and other drugs, including consumers, carers, families, clinicians and interested community members.