All over the world, there are people who do not recognise themselves as Carers – more so, their rights upon taking this role. At HelpingMinds, we aim to educate and provide support to Carers or family and friends of people experiencing mental health conditions so that they too won’t feel isolated in this lifelong role of being a Carer to someone you love.
In WA, family members and friends who are in an ongoing, unpaid caring role have rights under the Carers Recognition Act. The Act includes the Carers Charter lay down the proper treatment of Carers which upholds their rights and protects their dignity.
HelpingMinds® will provide you with information about your rights as a carer, and will advocate on your behalf if you are experiencing difficulties in being heard and being included as part of the treatment plan for the person you are supporting and providing care to. While the confidentiality of the person you care for should be respected by their treating clinician, where the treatment plan impacts on you, you should be advised. If the person you are supporting is a patient under the Mental Health Act, then you also have the right to be informed of certain events including when the person is hospitalised and if they are being discharged.
HelpingMinds® also acts at the systemic level. Systems include legislation, policies, standards, eligibility criteria or any rules that impact carers and their family members in the mental health system. With systemic advocacy, we try to make the mental health system better for carers and families.
Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
Mental Health Law Centre (for people living with a mental health issue)
Mental Health Advocacy Service (for patients of residential mental health services)
Office of the Chief Psychiatrist
Office of the Public Advocate (for advice on Administration, Guardianship, Advance Care Directives)
Resources in different languages from the Mental Health Commission
Personal Support Persons (brochure explaining the rights of family member and friend carers)
A Guide to START Court for family and carers
Carer’s Recognition Act 2004 – What it means for West Australian carers
Directory of Community Legal Centres in WA
Fact Sheet – New Services for Carers
Composed of a team of health professionals, mental health carers, and strong individuals with lived experiences, HelpingMinds advocates the rights of the Carers that is why we dedicate our services to educating, supporting, and empowering these amazing people.
We can assist you with understanding your right, especially with having your voice heard when decisions are being made about the person you care for. We assist in complaints and referrals as well as provide information and resources for anything you may need as a mental health Carer.
Get in touch with us through our online contact form or call us on (08) 9427 7100 to see how we can help!
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Helping Australians since 1976.
© 2024 HelpingMinds®.
How We Can Help
Supporting Mental Health Issues For Families, Young People & Adults.
Get In Touch
All calls made to our Carer Centre will be directed to our metro or regional offices.
Head Office
182 Lord Street, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9427 7100
Fax: +61 (8) 9427 7119
Free Phone: 1800 811 747
HelpingMinds® respectfully acknowledge that we work on Aboriginal land and pay our respects to community members and Elders, past and present. Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.
HelpingMinds® is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of health services. HelpingMinds® welcomes all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity. For more information, see our Diversity Statement.
HelpingMinds® prides itself on being an accessible and inclusive organisation, ensuring everyone who needs support is able to access the right service and receive the help they need. If you require accessible locations, an interpreter or translator services, please contact us. For more information, see our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
Helping Australians since 1976.
© 2024 HelpingMinds®.
Privacy Policy
Eligibility Policy
Carer Rights
How We Can Help
Supporting Mental Health Issues For Families, Young People & Adults.
Get In Touch
All calls made to our Carer Centre will be directed to our metro or regional offices.
Head Office
182 Lord Street, Perth WA 6000
Phone: (08) 9427 7100
Fax: +61 (8) 9427 7119
Free Phone: 1800 811 747
HelpingMinds® respectfully acknowledge that we work on Aboriginal land and pay our respects to community members and elders, past and present. Individuals pictured are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.
HelpingMinds® is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination in the provision of health services. HelpingMinds® welcomes all people irrespective of ethnicity, lifestyle choice, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity. For more information, see our Diversity Statement.
HelpingMinds® prides itself on being an accessible and inclusive organisation, ensuring everyone who needs support is able to access the right service and receive the help they need. If you require accessible locations, an interpreter or translator services, please contact us. For more information, see our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
© HelpingMinds. All rights reserved. ABN 26 183 089 857.
Copyright 2024