Make It Your Job to Stay Well At Work
Returning to work after the holiday break can be stressful and overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be! There are things we can do in the workplace to improve our mental health. Have a read through our top 10 tips for a mentally healthy workplace.
1. Keep moving
Sitting all day can be detrimental to our health, even small amounts of physical activity can improve your mood so you can better deal with the day’s challenges. Go for a walk on your lunch break, take the stairs instead of the lift, do some calf raises while waiting for your printing, or take the longer route when moving about the office.
2. Make your work area tidy and inviting
Clear clutter and unnecessary objects from your desk and work area. Personalise your desk space with photos, plants, a funny calendar or anything else that will make it comfortable to work at. This can reduce feelings of being stressed.
3. Get to know the people you work with
Studies show that having a good relationship with colleagues is often the number one reason an employee would stay in their job. As well as improving job satisfaction, this can improve productivity and team morale.
4. Set goals
Setting goals and challenging yourself are great ways to strengthen your mental health. Apply this to your work setting and make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, result focused and timely.
5. Mindful meals
Good nutrition is essential for good mental health. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and good quality sources of protein and healthy fats and avoid or limit processed and high sugar foods and alcohol.
6. Upskill
Attend seminars, workshops and training offered by your employer. Improving your skills increases self-efficacy and reduces stress. Studies show learning new things is an important factor of job satisfaction and mental well-being at work.
7. Take a breath
If you feel overwhelmed, stop what are you are doing and take 10 deep breaths. Meditation techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness exercises are a useful way to reverse the tension that can build up during the work day and help you stop and focus.
8. Find something good in every day
What is the part of your day that you enjoy the most? Is it listening to music during the drive to work, or reading a book while on the train? Getting positive feedback from a colleague? Maybe you enjoy going home to your family or flat-mates, or walking your dog. Whatever is it, recognise that activity or moment when you are at your happiest and cherish that moment.
9. Take time to look after yourself
Get a good night’s sleep, get up earlier so you are not rushing to get ready, pack yourself a nutritious lunch and listen to a podcast or some relaxing music on the commute to work. This will give you the energy to deal with any potential stressors or challenges throughout the day.
10. Do a random act of kindness
A random act of kindness each day can boost your mood! Way’s that you can do this at work might be organising a co-workers birthday, complimenting people in your team or helping a co-worker with something they might be struggling with.
Visit our program page for more information on HelpingMinds® Workplace Wellness Program.
And check out the Act Belong Commit website for more information on creating a mentally healthy workplace.