The end of June 2017 saw the NAIDOC week celebrations take place across Australia. HelpingMinds® offices ran a variety of activities across WA.
Broome HelpingMinds® celebrated NAIDOC week in a number of ways.
The NAIDOC Walk & Opening Ceremony held on Friday 23rd June. This event attracted a huge crowd across the Broome Community, walking from the centre of town, to Shire of Broome precinct. The walk was followed by a welcoming ceremony, sharing local history, a combined school choir performance, followed by a morning tea.
The Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation NAIDOC event attracted people visiting Broome and families, enjoying the expo style event with fantastic music performances to keep everyone enthralled. HelpingMinds® Broome, using our fantastic new tent and flags, ran very interactive activities for all ages. Both the slime and the ‘pot a plant’ activities were well received.
Lastly, HelpingMinds® Broome held a very casual Verandah Style BBQ for people interested in coming for a chat and wandering by to call in and say hello. This event provided some great conversations, with several people in Broome having not been exposed to NAIDOC events previously, loving the idea.
South Hedland HelpingMinds® celebrated NAIDOC week with an arts and craft morning. Children and their families were invited to create NAIDOC themed arts and crafts projects such as Boomerangs and Rainbow Serpents. They also got to enjoy a delicious morning tea. Thank you to HIPPY Hedland and Child Australia for your support and assistance. And a massive thank you to Lotteries House for organising the event and morning tea