School Holiday Program Fun
The School Holiday Program runs every school holidays giving young carers a chance to be a kid and take a break from their caring roles. The program runs for 8-12yr olds and 13-17yr olds. The school holiday program is always a whirlwind of fun, excitement and friendship and this January was no different. We had outings to the movies, laser tag and the outback splash. Being the school holidays there were children everywhere but it was made easy because of the amazing group of young people attending our program.
The young people we have attend our program would have to be the most accepting, caring and inclusive kids I have ever had the pleasure of working with. We had 13 new kids this holidays who came in nervously not knowing what to expect and leaving with smiles on their faces and new friends who share a similar family experience. These days with social media it’s fantastic to see these friendship move beyond just the school holiday program and see strong relationships created.
The feedback we received from parents really gives us an insight to what this program means for our young carers. One mum telling staff “He always looks forward to the school holiday program, he can never wait for the invite to arrive in the mail. The school holiday program is the only thing he looks forward to throughout the term”. Another parent told staff “ he always comes home from the school holiday program absolutely glowing”
We had two new young carers in the teen group that were very anxious coming into the program. These two carers parents were also worried about how they would go in the group. Within half an hour one boy came up to staff and told them “ its ok I’m not nervous anymore”. By the end of the day both boys were laughing and joking with other young carers and gave feedback they look forward to coming again. I don’t think this would have been the outcome if it wasn’t for some beautiful young carers that have been attending for a while. Without hesitation when introduced to new participants they welcomed them into the group with open arms.
On behalf of the youth services team it is a real honour and pleasure to spend time with these amazing kids every holidays.
If you want to find out more about the School Holiday Program please contact our client co-ordinators at HelpingMinds® on 9427 7100 or via